Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Another Conn Albert clarinet

I'm always pleased as punch to work on an Albert system clarinet.  I love them!  Not too long ago I posted about another Conn ebonite Albert clarinet.  It had some extra keys for duplicate fingerings and played decently. 
This one has a more common Albert system setup.   This is the standard for Albert system clarinets,  15 keys with 5 rings and rollers on the pinky keys.  There are simpler systems,  notably those without ring keys on the upper joints and no rollers for the pinkys, but its more common to see the former.
I refurbished this instrument replacing about half the pads, the other half of the pads were mostly leather and doing fine!
I was totally impressed with this one!  The tone was lovely and it played well,  better than the last one even.  
For details sake this is a Bb Low Pitch instrument that dates to the early 1900's.
Once again another old instrument is lovingly restored and released back in to the world for future generations to enjoy!  I love my job!