Monday, February 18, 2019

Harry Pedler silver Bb clarinet, pro model!

Here's a really neat old Harry Pedler silver clarinet.  Now to be honest silver clarinets are not very uncommon, but Professional model ones are!  This is not your run of the mill student clarinet.   This was made by the folks at Harry Pedler who made a fine, wonderful sounding instrument. 
Two things to notice, first being the removable bell.   The top line models of the Pedlers will always have this. Also the barrel is fixed but has an adjustable feature (it turns in/out).
At some point the Harry Pedler firm was sold to Martin,  who continued to make instruments with the "Pedler" name.  There are many old "Pedler" student clarinets out there!  If you find one like this , that says Harry Pedler with removable bell and adjustable barrel,  you've got gold!

This one played with minor tweeking,  I thought it was a lovely instrument,  doesn't get too much better than this really.

Couesnon Monople II alto saxophone

Wow these horns are really cool.  This is a French made Couesnon Monople II alto sax.   Check out those key guards!   Very nice French build here.  In reading about these people really say they have a great sound, unfortunately this one needed a complete overhaul and I couldn't see getting around to it anytime soon so I passed it on.   I can tell by looking it over that it was made with great care and skill.  I've been impressed with Couesnon clarinets in the past,  this is the first of their saxes I've seen...can't wait to see another!