Saturday, July 21, 2018

La Bar Bass clarinet

I couldn't find any info on this French maker, certainly a stencil name.   It was in need of a full servicing but the pads were all still usable.   This one had an interesting register mechanism setup which was the single vent variety, but instead of venting on the body it vented on the neck.  I can't think of many other single vent bass clarinets that do this,  typically with a single vent its always vented on the body....its not until you reach the double vent instruments that you see a vent on the neck as well.
After much research the only instruments that seem similar are M. Lacroix, which look pretty darn similar.
Anyway back to this instrument.......after servicing it was a lovely player!  I liked this instrument so much that I kept it around for quite awhile before parting with it.  This happens sometimes!

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